Covid Love Course Banner.png

Ready for a Relationship Reset?

Whether you are reading this during the Covid-crisis of 2020 or long after this has passed, if you are feeling your relationship is not doing so good, my hope is that this will help.

I would love to help.

This exclusive Covid Love Course is available to you FREE. Simply fill out this form and you will receive a Welcome email confirming your subscription to the complimentary course.

About the Course

Each of the 5 course modules are password protected. Together they spell a secret power phrase. Every day you will receive an email with a link and password to each module. So keep a close eye on your Inbox to make sure messages from MindsetCoaching aren’t flagged as Spam.

Each module has a concept, strategy, and an action step that you can take. Together these powerful tools are designed to create a closer connection to your loved one. Your first ACTION step is to fill out the form and register to this love course.

I also offer 30-minute complimentary discovery sessions where the sole purpose is to discover what is really going on and what I believe what most serve you.

Email me if you would like to connect.

In service,