Road trip?

I am pretty excited this month because it is “event season” meaning companies all over are gathering together, hosting conferences and investing in their most valuable asset - people. In fact, as I write this I am sitting in an airport enrolee to speak at a two-day conference for the Sandman Hotel Group. Training groups is one of my favourite things to do.

But not everyone has a company to support their professional development. What is you are an entrepreneur like me?

In short, find a conference that inspires you. There are literally 1000’s of meetings, conferences and workshops looking for people who want to grow their business, their bank account or just about any area of your life.

In fact, myself and my colleague Linda Edgecombe have been asked to host one next month that you might be interested in that is sponsored by Ignite Summits. If you are someone who is looking to navigate the proverbial work-life balance with a lot more ease and fun, this might just be for you. Go here for more details:

Maybe you are in the mood for a road trip or maybe you want us to come to you? Just say the word. We are on a mission to help more people have a lot more joy, ease and success without sacrificing your sleep, sanity or your heath to get there.

Plus you will get the best laugh you have had in a long time. Promise!

Just hit reply if you would like to know how the Alive Revolution can come to you. :)

In the meantime, wishing you a great month!
